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When I called the second time. I Have Two Titles Mommy And Auntie And I Rock Them Both Shirt. He knows what other endocrinologists there are in town, but because it’s still kind of an “issue” down here he doesn’t know if those doctors are trans-friendly or not. It’s a decent drive to get there, but they’ve all been great to me. My daughter then ended up in NICU for 10 days. Despite everyone else, including that woman’s superiors, getting it right and apologizing profusely, that nurse continued her shifts and was going to be reassigned to me if I hadn’t otherwise said “No” even after I had explained what happened. They ended up assigning another traveling nurse, who also had an issue with my status, but just kept her mouth shut.
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John’s County forum. I Have Two Titles Mommy And Auntie And I Rock Them Both Shirt. Thanks, everyone! I’ll be happy to update if I can find someone in town (for anyone else that needs the lead. I just went through that rigamarole, and TMH was more than fantastic during L&D (I think I might have been their first “out” patient in that position) which was beyond surprising and made that experience a lot better. Thanks! These are all for general physicians though, and I already see Dr. Thomas Zorn. In case you don’t know, for transgender individuals (or anyone needing hormone therapy) you need an endocrinologist for HRT. It just makes you want to slap people’s faces off. Even something small like addressing me correctly is something that simple social interactions don’t always get right.